The most interesting steps in the microprocessor design flow are computer architecture, microarchitecture and logic design. A critical part of the logic design of microprocessors is pre-silicon validation, which consists of design verification and implementation verification. Cosmic Horizon focuses on the former (i.e. the behavior of your HDL model). In the early 21st century, logic simulation continues to play a vital role in microprocessor design.
If you will be verifying a microprocessor that aspires to be compliant with SPARC Version 9, then you might want to browse this Web site. Grant McFarland calls "more efficient validation methods one of the most important needs of future processor designs" [1]. The Feldstein SPARC-V9 Simulator is implemented entirely in Java. This means that you can run your simulations practically anywhere. Furthermore, in the scheme presented here, the design under verification will be described in the same Java language as the simulator. This simplifies the interface between the SPARC microprocessor and its design verification environment.
[1] G. McFarland, Microprocessor Design, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006.